CSTF - Safeguarding Adults Levels 3 and 4 Online Training
This online CSTF course covers recognizing abuse, conducting forensic procedures, risk assessment, effective communication, and contributing to safeguarding through self-reflection, serious case reviews, and multidisciplinary collaboration, promoting continuous improvement and ethical practice in adult safeguarding.
1. Understanding Abuse and Neglect:
- Identifying signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect using a person-centered approach
- Recognizing adults experiencing abuse, harm, or neglect who have caring responsibilities for others
2. Forensic Procedures and Evidence:
- Understanding forensic procedures in adult safeguarding and relating them to practice
- Demonstrating the ability to undertake forensic procedures and present findings and evidence to legal requirements
3. Risk and Harm Assessment:
- Undertaking risk and/or harm assessments in safeguarding adults
- Identifying and managing uncertainty and risk in cases of suspected abuse, harm, or neglect
4. Effective Communication:
- Communicating effectively with adults at risk, especially those with mental capacity issues, learning disabilities, or communication needs
5. Taking Action to Safeguard Adults:
- Contributing to and making considered judgments on how to act to safeguard an adult at risk
- Contributing to the formulation and communication of effective care plans for adults who have experienced or may experience abuse, harm, or neglect
6. Inter-Agency Collaboration and Information Sharing:
- Contributing to inter-agency assessments by gathering and sharing relevant information
- Advising others on appropriate information sharing in safeguarding adults cases
7. Self-Reflection and Continuous Improvement:
- Undertaking documented reviews of adult safeguarding practice, including through audit, case discussions, peer reviews, supervision, and refresher training
- Applying lessons learned from audit and serious case reviews to improve practice
8. Support and Professional Impact:
- Obtaining support and seeking help in situations requiring further expertise and experience in safeguarding
- Understanding the potential personal impact of adult safeguarding on professionals
9. Serious Case Reviews and Multidisciplinary Meetings:
- Appropriately contributing to serious case reviews, case management reviews, significant case reviews, and domestic homicide review processes
- Participating in and chairing multidisciplinary meetings related to safeguarding adults
10. Safeguarding Enquiry Skills:
- Demonstrating the skills required to participate in a safeguarding enquiry, including gathering information, conducting interviews, and making informed decisions
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the importance of self-reflection and continuous improvement in adult safeguarding practice.
- Recognize the value of documented reviews, audits, case discussions, peer reviews, supervision, and refresher training in enhancing safeguarding practice.
- Appreciate the significance of applying lessons learned from audits and serious case reviews to improve safeguarding processes.
- Understand the role and importance of participating in serious case reviews, case management reviews, significant case reviews, and domestic homicide review processes.
- Recognize the importance of participating in and chairing multidisciplinary meetings related to safeguarding adults.
- Acquire the skills required to participate effectively in a safeguarding enquiry, including gathering information, conducting interviews, and making informed decisions.
- Develop communication skills necessary for engaging with individuals involved in safeguarding enquiries, including active listening, empathy, and clear communication.
- Understand the importance of accurate documentation and record-keeping in safeguarding enquiries.
- Embrace a culture of continuous learning and improvement in safeguarding enquiry skills.
- Recognize the significance of maintaining objectivity, professionalism, and ethical guidelines throughout the safeguarding enquiry process.
Certificates are included.
Course Duration 1 Hour.
This Training module will be available for 6 months to complete from date of purchase.