Nursing home training online package

Nursing home training online package

Regular price£30.00

Palliative and end of life care
Basic food hygiene
Control and administration medication management
Moving and handling of objects
Health Safety and welfare
Moving and handling of people
Safeguarding Adults level 1
Safeguarding Adults level 2
First aid basic life support
Infection prevention and control level 1
Fluids and nutrition
Mental Capacity Act leberty safeguards
First Aid level 2
Fire Safety
Hand Hygiene

Once ordered you'll receive a confirmation email notifying you of a successful payment. An online training admin will then organise to email you the training package for you to access with 48 hours.

Wait times are normally much shorter.

You are able to cancel your order with no penalty! Please use our Contact Us page, and reference your order number.

If the information you're looking for isn't listed, use the Contact Us page and reference the product you're looking to purchase with your query.

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